Saturday, March 22, 2008

March of the Tools and another finished project

This pillowcase dress has been on my to-do list (or more accurately want to do) since...before B was born. The date on the issue of MS Living Baby with the idea and instructions, was spring 2001. It was pretty simple and probably took about 45 minutes. I have vague memories of finding this pillowcase at a garage sale (for $1!), but it may have been given to me. It appears to be linen. It isn't hand sewn but is a bit irregular, but will never be noticeable. The first step is to cut out the armhole area and bind with bias tape.

Then fold the top down twice to made a channel for the ribbon.

Here is the tool part. This is a simple and inexpensive sewing tool, but such a time and trouble saver when inserting elastic - or ribbon! I believe the technical term for it is "bodkin." Slip the elastic (or ribbon) through the hole and drag it through the casing. Way faster and less hassle than the safety pin method (though this method must still be used for very wide elastic, or for very small circular casings, such as the elastic on the sleeve of a child's shirt or dress. The bodkin is too long.

Unfortunately, there isn't a picture yet of the results. I'm not sure that I'm going to be super-delighted with it on her, but haven't had a chance to really tell yet. I'm thinking that it may be a summer nighty or play dress for the 3yo, or a top for the 6yo.

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