My favorite blogs to read are scrapbooking, sewing, cooking, personal friends, and sometimes other homeschoolers. I'd like to share some of my creative pursuits along the way but was thinking about whether that was egotistical - thinking that anyone else might want to see them! But came to the conclusion that I really enjoy seeing what others have made or created - whether it is scrapbook pages, handbags, aprons, or meals - and that it inspires or motivates me to see their creations on their blogs and blesses me when they share their talents.
Sometime soon I'll post some links on the sidebar to some of my favorites!
On that note and a lighter side, I read about this book on someone's blog recently and requested it from the library:

I'm in the process of my first attempt. I read the high altitude suggestions and discussion on their website and am guessing it may take some experimentation to get it quite right. But there are lots of yummy options inside. I'll let you know and post pictures of the results later. Might have to add it to my already excessive collection of cookbooks.
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