Wednesday, June 24, 2009

blogs, blogging, blah, blah, blah

Been a while, huh?
Summertime is not necessarily slower, just a different kind of busy. Though after watching a video from recently called "God's Chisel" (apparently you must purchase it to watch it, though somehow, someone pasted it on Facebook...?), I'm contemplating how often my "busyness" is in reality, cloaked laziness. Hmmm.... Convicting.

Anyway, I've just spent a few minutes skimming some blogs, an activity that in the past has been part of my daily routine. Perhaps fortunately, that habit has been broken in the past 2 weeks (probably a good thing). It will probably redevelop, but at the moment, the "to do" list has reached a critical mass and beyond, and acting upon it can no longer be delayed. One blog/website that I have visited a few times, but not regularly or often is The Pioneer Woman. That woman has a crazy big following, and one can see why: GREAT photography, recipes, writing, and more. May have to add that to my daily line-up when possible.

It appears that summer might finally be arriving. I think it has topped 70F a couple of times this week already! Here are "the girls" enjoying some fresh grass.

1 comment:

  1. Your "girls" are adorable!
    I have to admit, I try to make time to read PW... That puts me in the majoriy of the world, I think. ;o)

    I have times where there's so much to do that blogs and blogging just have to be put on hold. But I normally squeeze it in early mornings before the kids are up. For me, it's more like reading the morning paper! LOL!
