Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another one to put you in the frame of mind for Memorial Day

We watched this one last night. It was yet another reminder of the courage, bravery, and sacrifice of those who have served to keep our country free. We thought it was really good and have been debating about whether or not to let our almost-10yo boy watch it. The verdict is still out on that. There were a couple of words/phrases... Its PG rating probably comes more from the intensity and violence, which I'm OK with showing him to some extent. Kids from America are so sheltered (thank God) from the reality of war, but I think it is beneficial for them to have a little visual dose of reality.The sermon at church today was on leadership in the church from Titus 1:5-9 and Pastor Mark had a Marine Sergeant come up and tell a bit about leadership in the military. I thought this movie gave several illustrations of leadership and revealed facets of it that we don't often consider.

1 comment:

  1. We have that one, too. My husband is a retired Marine and is great about watching war movies with the kids and explaining things to them as the movie progresses. And they're greta for history lessons. They put a "visual" on things we study and my husband uses movies as a reference point for the kids.
