Monday, April 6, 2009

It occurred to me that it would be a good week to plan ahead a little and try to participate in "Menu Plan Monday" (inspired by Patty) with Resurrection Sunday coming up and all, but I'm going to be without a computer most of the day so will have to plan it, then post it tonight. Menu planning has never worked well for me. I usually end up going with something different by day 2 and throwing it out the window for the most part, which works OK around here because there are always ingredients on hand to make something edible...


  1. Well, thanks. I've done it four times I think but haven't done it for a few weeks. I really miss it but haven't gotten myself to sit down and do it again, lacking motivation I guess. Maybe I'll have to try again! Good luck!

  2. I changed our menu plans just yesterday! ;o)

    But I can look in the freezer and tell you what we'll have this week. Just not exactly when....
