Some of the earlier American "soldiers" parading.
They announced that a Navajo man was going to be speaking about the code-talkers, which little G has been interested in, but for some reason it didn't end up happening.
This was something else that little G was pretty interested in - an old shovel from the salt mine. It made us all think of Mike Mulligan...As can be seen in the previous two photos, the lens cleaning we have attempted has not resolved the problem as of yet. Will have to get the cloth out and scrub at that thing a little more.
Now we are off on the next part of our day, which was finding another geocache at an old salt mine. We never knew about this till we saw it on the geocache website. Great little historical site and fun adventure. It was good to go now. It will be too hot before long, but was about right this day. Bunny was there, but guess who ended up carrying him.
A hill of salt.
Found the cache! (No rattlesnakes.)
On top of a hill of salt.
It made unusual formations and made the dirt into unusual shapes as well.
Some deteriorating mining equipment.
Climbing a mountain of salt and dirt, and hunting for interesting crystal formations.
Being herself in the car afterwards.
We came upon an access to the Verde River and stopped there for a bit, then finished the day off by meeting Grandma in Camp Verde for dinner! It was a great day, marred only by a lengthy wait on the highway on the way home due to an accident (during which of course 2/3 of children had to use the bathroom, so daddy hightailed them into the woods and made it back to the car just in time for the traffic to start moving). When we passed the scene, it was very sobering, and kind of subdued us all.
The girls outfits were so cute - Livvy would been jealous.