There has been a request for more food-related content, which I would be happy to indulge, as well as enjoyment of "March of the Tools." One thing I have wondered about in regards to the food area is copyrights on recipes. Anyone know how that works? For now, I will link to the recipe if I can find it online somewhere. If not and I mention something you'd like the recipe for, let me know and I'll email it to you.
Cooking in Style
For the two friends I know for a fact are reading this: Have you ever made dinner in something like this? No further comment because you never know who might be reading and if they might do so! It was in the paper today and Geoff pointed it out.
But back to the previous topic, let me see if I can expand your waistline with a picture of our breakfast treat. These are "Chocolate-filled Beignets," the most recent experiment from Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes. Here is the definition of beignet from the book : " Beigne
t is French for fritter, or as we Americans like to call them, doughnuts. They're made from rich, yeasted dough, fried in oil, and then covered generously in powdered sugar. What's not to love?" So the biggest sin about the other things I've made from this book is the pure white flour content. But not these babies. I picked the less-rich of the two dough options, challah, which had 4 eggs, 1/2 cup oil, and 1/2 cup of honey, besides the white flour. (The other choice, brioche, called for 3 sticks of butter, 8 eggs, and the honey. I think I gained 5 pounds reading the recipe.) Just FYI, I can probably count on one hand, and definitely on two, the number of times I have deep fried something as an adult, and a few of those were frybread for Geoff's school events.
This book is going to have to go back to the library for now. Someone else probably needs more help being unhealthy than we do. And Geoff just read in the paper this morning that wheat prices are tripling, along with gas and all (watch for that info in my next post). Wonder if we could possibly coax anything to grow in our high-altitude, desert climate, short growing-season back yard this year? Probably not. We've tried and all we end up with is a big water bill and frosted plants in June or early September.
Celtic Spring was cool! If you have any interest in Celtic music (and even if you don't but don't mind it) you would probably enjoy this group.
Check out their website to see if they might be in your area. A family of six kids (and the parents on keyboard and drum) fiddling and dancing and enjoying themselves, and doing it all pretty well. The only down fall was that it went till almost 10:30. B slept off and on but held out without a meltdown.
Wikiup (sp?)
And just for fun, here is Gabe's creation in the backyard a few days ago. It is a model of a wikiup which is a type of transportable home that certain tribes of Native Americans used in the past.
I checked out the You Tube video of Celtic Spring aBd they looked wonderful! That is neat that they were in your area and you'll were abe to go! Keep on Bloggin'!