Friday, January 7, 2011


Blog bunny-trailing, from this post at Daisy Yellow to this post about leaving a legacy, has added fuel to the mental fire that has been kindling the past several months. What have I done with this life God has given me - the first 40 years of it? There are many ways I could have been a better steward of the gifts and resources. What will I do with it now, in the midst of this mid-course correction, as I have come to see this whole move and career change. What kind of legacy do I want to work toward leaving from this point forward?

Last night I read a brief article (in The Homeschool Court Report) in memory of Sono Harris, home-educating mother of seven, including Josh Harris, author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye, and Alex and Brett Harris, authors of Do Hard Things (which sounds like a good read, when time permits). The title alone was thought-provoking: "A Life Well Lived". Could that phrase be used to speak of my own life?

Or I think of that line at the end of Second Hand Lions, where the young man speaks of his great uncles and says, "Yes, they really lived." Am I really living? Or am I going through the motions?

I know the answers to some of these questions and know some changes are in order. There may still be time to leave the kind of legacy God would want me to. I know there have been times when I was headed in the right direction and either slacked off, or was side-tracked by many things, that have led to less than God's best. Isn't it great to have a fresh start? The beginning of a new year feels that way. And God says His mercies are new every morning, so if we give each day to Him, we have an opportunity to start over and live our best for Him, every morning!


  1. It's a good reminder that it's not too late. Sometimes it feels like the damage is done, the course is set. But, there is hope. Thank you!

    P.S. Keep your eye on your mail-box, there should be something arriving for L from Livvy.

  2. Great thoughts....people who leave strong legacys are purposeful people; like you they're people who think about their legacy. I agree with jenn, it's never too late. Happy new Year!

  3. Oh, it amazes me how we seem to so often be on the same track in life! :) I needed this post this evening. Thanks for sharing! I love the fact that God is a God of HOPE! :)

  4. Ok, just read this post right after yours and thought you might be encouraged by it, too.

  5. Don't you love that thing about new mercies each day? It offers me such encouragement on those nights that I lay in bed and feel horrible about some of the choices I have made in the day or my behavior. His mercies are anew each day - what hope.

    Thank you for sharing your heart with us, Tiffani!

  6. Great post, Tiffani! Definitely thought provoking.
