Monday, January 11, 2010

Yummy goodness

It has been too long since the last food post! Tonight we sampled another pita recipe that turned out really well, which could have been the recipe... or that they weren't overcooked. While they are mostly white flour, they do have a cup of old-fashioned rolled oats in them. They were super soft and puffed nicely. We filled them with pork marinated in lemon juice, olive oil, and Penzey's Greek Seasoning, cucumber-yogurt sauce, and tomatoes. Mmmmm! Self control is hard.
We don't usually eat off paper plates, but that's how today was. And the dishwasher was already full. So there you have it. Presentation is not my forte.

1 comment:

  1. That looks delicious! Anything Greekish tastes great... And I love paper plate nights. LOL! Clean-up is so easy. ;o)
