As previously promised...
The "backbone" so-to-speak, of our curriculum arrived last week. This is known on the curriculum message boards as "box day." This includes history, read-alouds, and readers that all tie together, and which at this point, little G and B are both doing. Since we use a "literature rich" program, this involves a lot of books! This is only about 1/2 of them!
One of my projects after our visit to the farm is to completely overhaul some of our bookcases to prepare for this coming school year.
Anyway, when the box arrives, everyone is excited to dig in! First we open it and the kids pull out all the packing paper and do things with it, like dress up in it...
We piece the rest of the subjects together from various sources. This year little G will be doing Horizons math, Easy Grammar, The Complete Writer, and B will be doing Miquon math, First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind, and the Complete Writer. Together we hope to work through Prima Latina, ARTistic Pursuits, science, Bible study, and a variety of other random things. I suspect most home schoolers have some form of "box day" when they order the majority of their curriculum for the coming year.
Just a quick peek into one little aspect of home schooling.
My blogging time seems more and more limited all the time lately...and I'm not really accomplishing anything else either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We don't get a "box day" since we piece ours together from all over. But we get excited just looking at the new books and school supplies every year. The anticipation to dig in is strong!
ReplyDeletePictures of "box day" always look like such fun!