Sunday, April 5, 2009

Locks of Love

Add to all my other excuses for not posting more regularly: fried computer RAM. Hopefully it will be up and running again before too long, but for now, I've confiscated Geoff's laptop to stay connected to the world.


Our eldest daughter has been growing her hair out for about 2 years. At some point the idea of donating to Locks of Love came into play, and the past 6 months or so have been a waiting game to get it long enough that it wouldn't be too short after having cut. We came up with a date of April as the time we would do it, and it arrived this week!

Here she is before we left:We had violin lessons beforehand, and a recital that evening afterward. I was a little concerned that she would be distracted by the change for the recital, but she still did great! She was a bit apprehensive, though really excited to have it done with!Finally the moment has arrived.Bye, bye hair!
Ready to go to the recital later.
Hoping to get back to this later tonight with our weekend adventures.

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